Saturday, March 21, 2015


Magazine Ad.

Graphics: I decided to place the two cars on a white background so that it really stands out. Most car ads are placed on a road in the middle of the mountains or driving through the city streets. I wanted to make a statement much like the famous "Lemon" ad.

I of course used my slogan, "Where safety and reliability meet the road." Because I used a brand new Lexus ES350 and an older Lexus in comparison, I wanted to briefly explain why i mirrored the two. "Safety can be measured, we are all the same" is what I can up with. This suggests that no matter what year, make, model, or color, every Lexus was made to be driven in peace of mind, knowing that safety will never be substituted. It also shows that an older make and model may be the alternative to any pricing issues and that you are still getting the same benefits as a newer Lexus.

"Change perspective or eccentric points of view
. Looking at things—at life—from odd angles, both literally and conceptually, can be a great point of departure for ideation." - Landa, R. (2010). Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media. Wiley pg. 82 par. 5

Older cars in ads may come across in a negative matter. I didn't post the older Lexus because half of the audience would look at the ad and wonder why I was posting a car that was considered brand new ten years ago. This is why i mirrored them.

"The problem is the solution.
 At times there are products with features that may be perceived as disadvantageous. For example, in the 1960s, when the Volkswagen Beetle appeared on the American market, small, atypically shaped cars were viewed negatively." Landa, R. (2010). Advertising by Design: Generating and Designing Creative Ideas Across Media. Wiley pg. 84 par. 1

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